Saturday, June 2, 2012

Graduation Day

Today is a big day for Zoey: she graduated from dog class!

After living all her four years in the Mojave Desert, Zoey is having difficulty adjusting to all the noises of the city: FedEx trucks rumbling by, loud pedestrians, etc. She's fine in the house & the yard now, but going for walks on the street is still a scary experience for her, leading to a lot of pulling on-leash & barking.  To get some help, we enrolled her in a class for dogs who have trouble walking politely on-leash, called Drama Queens & Divas, at SF's Pawsitive Tails dog academy.

The trainers running the class, Lisa & Lauren, were incredible -- they're specialists in behavior modification for nervous and anxious dogs, so we have been in very capable hands, and we are very grateful for their help!

Here is the pup's diploma:

And here is the proud graduate, exhausted from all her hard work:

We typically take naps after dog class too, actually. The class is only an hour, but all that learning & concentration really takes it out of you!

Hooray Zoey! Onward & upward!

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