Saturday, April 8, 2023

New House From Mars Email Feed!!

It has come to my attention that the email subscription feed that had been sending you updates on new posts lo these many years has stopped working!

As is the way with these things, this blogging platform has decided to turn off the feature rather than continue to maintain it. 

I have created a new feed, in a new service. Starting with this post, you should start receiving updates again! 

(If you get a moment, please let me know if you got an update on this post, so I can figure out if it's working.)

I'm not sure when the old feed stopped working, so you may have missed some posts! Check out the archive on the right-hand side of the screen to see what you've missed! 

In the meantime, Lorraine would like you to know that as long as the feature called "sun" is not turned off, she's happy.