Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Pete N Mary Tree Services

I just realized I never posted about the trimming back of our neighbors' giant yellow tree a few weeks ago.

Our neighbors, Pete and Mary, told us once that the guy at the garden center said it was a bush, and it wouldn't get very big. Much to their surprise, over time, it turned into this 30+ foot monster:

View from the yard

View from our second story window

It's a beautiful bush/tree, but it was getting to be a bit too much, hanging over about a third of our yard, so Pete and a buddy trimmed it back. It's a tricky one to trim, because all the leaves are at the end of the limbs. It's not possible to trim off a couple feet off each limb, because you would end up with a bunch of naked branches. 

There's no choice but to go bold.

Here's how it turned out:

View from the yard

View from our second story window

We were very surprised, and also very grateful for their hard work. And there's still nice shade for the egg chair in the afternoon, so everyone (especially Mother O'Brien) is happy. Thanks, Pete and Mary!