Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 55

Mr. Bunkport did indeed come by last week, as planned! He put these copper downspouts up:

They look great now, & they're going to look even better once they start to take on a reddish-greenish patina. He is working on the catchment system separately. We'll look at scheduling that installation with him in about a month, after my work calendar opens up.

As for my to-do list, I finished touching up the walls and painting the trim in the new rooms. We are now ready to seal the concrete floor this week, just in time for another generous gift to come over from Jon: a couch!

In the garden, sprouts are already up for most of what I planted last week. And the fava seeds arrived in the mail, so those all went in on Sunday.

Next week: sealing the concrete floor, & possibly getting some mulch to cover the packed dirt & gravel & patchy grass that is our back yard. It would be nice to sit on the new couch on Sunday, & look out on a more beautiful garden space.


  1. I think the fish time I saw that color blue on a house was in SF. I love it.
