Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 52

Well, here it is. The final week of a full year of construction project (not including the various meetings we had with the engineer for four months before anyone even picked up a hammer). There is still one remaining item: gutters and catchment system. Mr. Bunkport couldn't come over this past week because I was out of town. I am hoping we will be able to connect next week.

I'm in the final week of one of my classes, as well, so I had to prioritize a couple writing assignments over progressing on projects this week. I did take advantage of the beautiful low-70's weather on Sunday to move some piles of garden materials around in the yard to make way for the vegetable bed, and to scrub down the downstairs floor with an eco-friendly soap that penetrates the concrete. After my tiring afternoon of doing that, and after AJ's furious weekend of taiko drumming (including a 2-hour march in the Chinese New Year parade), we descended on Jon's house to do this:

We also made a nice summer (well, it felt like summer...sorry New Englanders) dinner of sliders & tater tots & salad.

Next week: I'll be on Spring Break after Thursday, & it's prime vegetable garden planting season here (sorry New Englanders), so first order of business on Saturday morning will be digging in the dirt!


  1. Looks like good times all around. Well, except for the whole schoolwork thing. But still. Nice!

  2. I love y'all, but I might have to stay at John's next time. Thanks in advance, John.
