Sunday, January 25, 2015

Week 46

A few things this week:

First, I hung up this very nice photo of AJ that Jon took while they were in Japan a couple years ago:

It has been in storage since he gave it to her for her birthday last May. About time for it to come out & be seen! I hung it in the sun room part of the kitchen:

Second, AJ lent her Taiko drumming muscles to help me finish the fence/wall thing at the bottom of the stairs:

I also hung up my trusty shovel on the side:

Next step for that project is to get the panda/bamboo mural started.

The weather was beautiful this weekend so we also spent some time working in the yard. AJ positioned some succulents in this planter, to see if they looked good there before transferring them:

And we made another big succulent planter out of old foundation stones that came up out of the pit when they excavated down (the plants go in the spaces between the stones):

Lastly, I put the hammock back out, after more than a year without it:

And this is how I spent the rest of the afternoon:

Next up: I didn't actually schedule the painting & gutters with Mr. Bunkport because I thought it was better to wait a few days for further word on timing on the city paperwork. I'll call him this week, though, because this needs to get rolling.

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