Saturday, October 25, 2014

Week 33

Thank you, AJ, for your exciting post last week!

This week another thing was completed: electrical!

The electrician came on Thursday, and installed the light over the medicine cabinet:

He also added the little plastic box that keeps the outdoor outlet dry:

And replaced two light sockets in the garage that had been destroyed by other subcontractors:

We no longer need a flashlight to get around in the garage at night!

Lastly, he passed the final inspection:

What a relief to have another thing fully completed!

In other news, I discovered this week that we are being invaded by mice again. You may recall the Great Mouse Hunt of 2013, that involved a weekend of extensive mouse-proofing in the kitchen and back porch, and resulted in the live capture of an invader in the bedroom, thanks to the assistance of Sergeant Pickles of the Rodent Roundup:

This time, I discovered the intruders myself. I got up early for work and was standing in the kitchen, drinking my coffee, when I realized I wasn't alone: I saw a little brown mouse scurry from under the big blue chair into an open space under the cabinets, and then I also heard one right next to me, rustling in some plastic bags on a counter. Even though the construction sealed all the openings to the outside under the kitchen, it seems that they are still able to get up into the walls of the main part of the house and infiltrate the kitchen that way. Diabolical! That afternoon, while re-mouse-proofing (some of my stuff from last year had been removed when the new tile was installed), I investigated around the rest of the house to see if they have also been exploring beyond the kitchen. Indeed they have, including behind the bookshelf in the bedroom, presumably while we all slept not three feet away. Nice work, Pickles! Demotion! Busted back down to Private!

Next up: more bathroom work at the end of next week, and maybe the roofer will finish up.

1 comment:

  1. I am deeply disheartened to hear about this mouse re-invasion. I AM AGAINST IT. Would you like me to lend you Pete "Mouse-Slayer" until Pickles works her way back up from Private?
