Sunday, November 18, 2012


Finally got around to cleaning up after this month's flurry of brewing & home improvements. (Sorry Adrienne!)

Here's the result of progressively taking out every tool, can of paint, tub of spackling paste, & sheet of sandpaper you own over the course of 3 weeks:


Buried in there somewhere is a jar full of assorted screws, nails, hooks, wall anchors, & washers. I've been wanting to sort them into this plastic spice rack thing I got as part of the 5-year "service anniversary" gifts from my company (no, they don't give you a watch anymore), ever since I actually had my 5-year anniversary a couple years ago:

There's no time like the present!

Here's the result of the afternoon's sorting & carrying downstairs & sweeping:

Look! You can actually get to those shelves again!

In related news, while I was busy cleaning up, Zoey was busy enjoying the bed she shredded a couple weeks ago:

"This is way better after having been re-packed. I'll have to unpack it more often."

We are discussing the possibility of tackling Adrienne's office next weekend. With all those shingles, I'm figuring it to be a 3-day project, so Thanksgiving weekend would be perfect.

Made a couple repairs today to get ready for the initial sanding & priming:

Hole for the chimney of Mars' original cook stove?

Hole no more!

No idea what this was cut for.

Hole no more! Mostly.

And that's about it for now. Have to keep my strength up for Thursday's festivities -- Adrienne is planning a very demanding event. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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