Saturday, March 17, 2012

Steady Progress On Doggie To-Do List

While Bunkport & Company make steady progress on The Treehouse, we have been making steady progress on our very long Doggie To-Do List. There are 16 items on the list, ranging from calls that need to be made, to small fix-it jobs we need to do around the house, to a sub-list of stuff we need to get before she gets here. Today, we scratched off 3 big ones:

1. Finished the sub-list of stuff we need to get: a 4' x 4' exercise pen (which is where she will stay during the day, while we're at work), dog food, & treats to give her while we're training her to do things (like rolling over, or picking up her toys, or making the coffee in the morning). We also got this fine duck, that for some reason honks instead of quacks:

Honk if you love pit bulls!

2. I fixed the front screen door, which had a giant hole in it. I didn't think to take a photo of it before, so you have to try to make out this black & white photo from one of the inspection reports:

Ineffective at keeping out bugs. Or pugs, for that matter.

Here is my handiwork:

Sealed tight!

Ok, I realize that no one is as interested in the photos of the screen door as I am -- mostly I'm just impressed with myself that I didn't put my foot through the screen at some point, & got the door back on without a lot of hassle.

3. I also tinkered with the screen door mechanism to make it stop slamming. I guess this could fall under #2, but it's called out as a separate line item on the list, & I want full credit.

I also made more progress on stripping the paint from the built-in. We aren't going to have the whole project finished by the time she arrives next Sunday, but we do want to have the bulk of the paint off & the dining room (which is where her pen will be) well vacuumed by then.

There are five things left to do in the next seven days. It's going to be a busy week. But then, at the end, there is this reward waiting for us:

1 comment:

  1. I gotta say, that screen door is a work of art. So is the dee oh gee.
