Sunday, March 11, 2012


Great news! The pea plants have broken through the soil! And even better, all 17 plants have sprouted -- none of them were dug up by raccoons after all!

Here they are for your approval, ranked in order of demonstrated intelligence & essential beauty:

Lastly, as a reward for indulging my joke & scrolling through basically 17 photos of dirt (because the pea shoots are mostly too small to capture on this camera), here is the latest photo of our out of control roses:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for clarifying that I essentially looked at 7 pictures of dirt. I was all getting confused and scrolling back and forth and trying to pick out where each sprout was and really lamenting my inability to do so. Whew! Also: Panda's coming to get you through the roses! Watch out! Never say no to Panda!
