Saturday, March 10, 2012

Catching Up On The Treehouse

Bunkport & Company have been very busy this week. I had to go out of town for work half the week, so Adrienne was kind enough to snap some photos of what they were up to for all of us.

Mixing cement. As it turns out, concrete makes a much sturdier foundation than loose landscaping bricks.

One of the old floor joists takes a turn at supporting the floorless Treehouse.

This looks blurry, yet promising.

I got back in on Wednesday night. Here is what I found when I woke up Thursday morning:

Where's the window?

This contraption looks...innovative.

Ok, I kid, but I'm sure all of these 2"x4"s are actually sturdier than that old joist.

Clever repurposing of one of the random concrete footings that were lying around the yard.

Ok, now we're talking.

During the project, Bunkport & Company discovered that there was a bit of a pressing issue in the kitchen supports, adjacent to the supports for the Treehouse. Being very clever, he figured out a way to kill two birds with one stone.

Metal support post, briefly holding up one part of the kitchen...

...while he waits for a new concrete footing to cure. This will be for new support posts that will support both the kitchen & The Treehouse at the same time.

In the meantime, wow, what a mess:

View from the top of the back stairs.

Goodbye crappy old barely-closing window. We're just having him put in a double-paned one while he's at it in there.

The water pipes that come out from the garage, & connect to the backyard faucet, & used to connect to Jackie's washing machine when it was in there. Reminds me of that game "Mousetrap."

By the end of Thursday, Bunkport & Company had made some serious progress:

Goodbye Innovative Wooden Contraption!

Ok, now that looks sturdy.

Support posts moved from outside the outer wall to inside. This is the clever solution that supports both the treehouse & the kitchen.

They also found two giant & ancient possum skeletons under the floor in that weird little room. I was hoping to take photos for you, Dear Readers, but alas, they had already buried them by the time they mentioned them to me. Ok, back to the construction:

Ah ha, metal things to secure the new joists. I feel good about these metal things.

Sturdy! Fear no earthquakes!

Hooray! This is what is now in the rotten spot that was featured in the last post (see below for reference).

The stud that goes up through the top of the photos is the same -- everything else has been replaced. This thing will stand for another hundred years!

And then finally, to finish out the week, this is what we had by the end of the day on Friday:

Joists! We have joists!

And more roses on the monster rosebush!

And the (suspected) tea rose bush is starting to pop all over!

1 comment:

  1. Progress! You're gonna have a floor yet! Yay! However, I will admit, I am sad there are no possum skeletons to see...
