Saturday, September 7, 2019

Another Animal Got Into The House

One month ago (August 4, 2019), we welcomed home a new friend:

Lorraine "Lolo" Hansberry, House of Tasmania Duser Johnstonian, The Hon. Quiche Lorraine, Countess of Savory Pies, First of Her Name, Pouncer of Pumpkins, of House Mars, Lord Over Cheese and Sundry Baked Goods, Deliverer From Hunger, Devourer of Toys, Destroyer of Plants, Chaser of Tennis Balls, Liver of Lives, Long May She Reign. 

(Thank you for the help naming her, Amanda!)

She is about 2 1/2 years old, in perfect health, and while we don't know any specifics about her breed, it is clear that she is at least half Tasmanian Devil. Exhaustion from chasing her around is the reason this post is so late!

Here are some highlights of her first month here:

First day home!

 Welcome home, Lorraine!

1 comment:

  1. OMG. This post. The best. THE. BEST. Pics are amazing. So good at showing her fun-timez personality!! Yay, Lolo! Long may she reign!!!
