Sunday, December 14, 2014

Week 40

Four things this week!

First, I finished sanding and sealing the back door. Just in time for a massive rain storm! (I skipped taking photos, because you can't see a before/after difference. It looks great, though, and is similar in color to the counter.)

Second, I replaced a piece of backsplash next to the sink that came off at some point a couple months ago. Probably when that half of the kitchen came off that one time.



Third, I took out this bush that mysteriously died:

And replaced it with this succulent planter, made out of red concrete garden borders that were part of the garden when we moved in (every single plant in the yard was surrounded by these things), and old clay pipe fragments that were dug up out of the pit during the excavation phase of the project:

Here's how it looks, from across the yard:

Over to you, AJ, to work your plant magic!

Speaking of plant magic, after all this rain we've been getting, that random lily that the construction workers saved from the excavation in Week 7 is very happy:

Fourth, Mr. Bunkport came over on Saturday to fabricate a concrete counter for the bathroom sink. I got to help out and learn how to build the forms and pour the concrete. Here's the counter after we finished:

And here's the counter after Zoey stepped on it:

Mr. Bunkport should be coming back sometime this week to install it in the bathroom, and then pour the backsplash. That might be all that happens for the rest of the month: Mr. Bunkport is going out of town for Christmas, and it'll be a busy couple of weeks for me, so I don't think I'll be getting to any more of my projects before January. Once January hits, I think we'll be able to wrap up the remaining big items on the to-do list, and then hopefully it will just be a matter of waiting for some paperwork to go through. Actually getting close to the end!


  1. I am SO excited for you to come visit and make me a concrete sink! I love them and I think one would look really great in my kitchen, don't you? Remind me of the dates you're coming again?

  2. You are so handy. It's pretty fantastic.
