Sunday, July 20, 2014

Week 19

More steady progress this week, but much of it is invisible, so you will have to use your imagination.


Most of the roof work was completed. The finishing touches will go on after the siding is on.


Things got ordered (bathtub, fixtures, lighting, back door), and inspections were scheduled.

This tub valve also was bought:


The engineer came in for an inspection of the shear walls. He looked at the construction & the decisions that Mr. Bunkport made (including the one to tear off the back of the house & rebuild it), and was so impressed, that he asked him to come work on his house.


They started digging a hole in the concrete patio for a trap to go with the drain system:

Washing machine & dryer were liberated from the debris, & moved to their new homes:

The back stairs had to be detached so that the windows could be sealed, and have to stay that way until the siding is put back on. We can use them, but they wave all around when we walk on them, & looking down at the gap between the landing & the house as you step over it is unpleasant. The whole thing is very unnerving. Here is Pickles, like a champ, figuring out how to get back into the house:

In other news, the rosebush we moved in Week 4 has buds on it!

That seems very promising.


They finished putting in the trap:

The tub valve was installed:

And the washer & dryer got one step closer to done:

I believe we're just waiting on the electrical to be connected and the dryer to be vented, and then we'll be back in business.

I'm irritated that the plumber didn't put the water heater back on its steel stand, because I don't like the happy rat habitat it creates sitting on the ground, and I don't like the fact that he appears to be planning to vent it out through the back of the house instead of the side. Another thing to talk to Bunkport about.

Anyway, the other exciting thing to report is that the siding is underway. They did the entire south wall on Friday, as well as part of the west (back) wall:

We're planning to paint it a bright, deep blue color -- something like a cross between royal blue & navy blue -- & do the trim a light gray, to contrast a little with the white exteriors of the doors & windows.

Next up: finish the damn siding & reattach the damn stairs, finish the damn appliances, and finish the damn electrical. For chrissake.


  1. i kind of can't stop swearing. i feel like this guy:

  2. An inspector wants to hire your contractor?! That's good work, right there.

    And I remain faithful that soon all the other damned stuff will be completed.
