Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday Afternoon On Mars

Quiet Sunday on Mars. Mostly a lot of cleaning up of those sticky mats, & sweeping up massive amounts of dog hair. Two fun things, though:

This morning we saw two people in the backyard two houses down (we can see 8 different yards from our back window) wearing broad-brimmed hats with mesh draped off them, holding little smoking canisters. Beekeepers! And look! Here is a truck full of their beekeeping things! Right in front of our house!

Honey Production & Plant Pollination R Us

I don't know how long they've been keeping bees, but I'm dying to meet them now. I have secretly wanted to keep bees for years.

Later, we did some training work with Zoey in the backyard:

Note the stylish blue treat pouch.

"Zoey, hush -- it's rude to use that kind of language."

Now off to fold laundry & get ready to go back to work tomorrow. Work is so much less fun than playing with a dog.

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