Monday, January 30, 2012

Starting the Built-In

We started stripping the built-in this weekend.

We had started before we moved in, actually, but it was too cold in the house for the paint stripper to really work, so it's been on hold for all this time. Here's our starting point:

built-in, we are coming for you!

This is the bucket of allegedly eco-friendly (or at least less-caustic) paint stripper.

mmm...smells like candy...

This is the kind of stuff you just paint on & let sit for a couple hours:

matches the pink paint nicely

The stuff actually does work very well, but it's no match for the 10+ layers of paint that we can count on there:
layers of pink, yellow, beige, & still more much pink

A better method seems to be to first use a heat gun to take most of the layers off in one go, like this:

Adrienne in action

melts like butter!

And then follow up with a coat of the paint stripper, to take off whatever is still there:

the remaining paint just wiped off with a rag

This really took no time at all with the heat gun:
paint doesn't stand up to 500 degree heat, as it turns out

it just jumps right off the wood

We were having fun & making good progress, but there were afternoons to be had, & mahjong to be played, so we stopped here:

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