Thursday, May 18, 2017

More progress in the yard

Made some more progress in the yard this past week.

Used some left over gravel to edge the walkway:

After much hand-wringing, I decided to not go whole hog with a vegetable garden this year. So much work! After finishing school, all I want to do on the weekends is goof off. So, why not?

AJ trimmed back the jade in the front yard this weekend -- I grabbed some of those trimmings and planted them in the vegetable bed, along with some wildflower seeds. No longer looks like a dust patch:

But of course I do have my peas. And they're very happy, especially with this piece of corrugated steel behind them, adding light and heat (although obviously not in late afternoon, when I took the photo):

Lastly, the hanging chair arrived:

AJ approves:

Next, a few more plants for that bare spot in the triangle bed on the right of the brick path, and for a bare spot to the left. Then we can call the yard done!

(for now...)


  1. Y'ALL!!! That chair is the best. I'll be in AJ's suitcase when she comes back from cville in June. See you then!
