Sunday, April 30, 2017

Finishing Things Chapter 1

Now that I have all this time on the weekends, I can get on to the very serious business of finishing things.

With some cooperation from the weather, I was finally able to finish the tiny patio for the tiny grill:

Complete with tiny concrete brick and paver table:


That box on the left is a tiny planter I made a couple years ago. I will get that planted when I get some more potting mix. Maybe next weekend...

I also spent a lot of time moving a lot of dirt from the big pile I created when I did the brick path, to a low spot on the side of the yard. Finished!

Here's how the yard has shaped up:

Ready now for some Earthboxes, a lemon tree, and some lavender! And a hanging chair in the corner, by the panda.


  1. It all looks so good!!! I'll have to come back to admire from the proper, hammock angle.

  2. I give the grill patio two thumbs up.
