Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 35

Roofer! Bathroom! No! That all fell through this week, so the project was not able to get much closer to being fully complete. I continued with my tiny-things-I-am-able-to-do list, however.

I put a threshold down between the kitchen & living room floors:

This is the slightly-worse-for-wear brass one that was here when we moved in. I have been meaning to buy a nicer wood one, but hey, at this point, let's just cut to the chase.

We've given up the ghost on Mr. Bunkport's being able to make time to rewire the broken front porch light during this project. When we take the 25 year-old vinyl siding off the front of the house (someday), we can ask him to do it then. We really only need the porch light for food delivery people anyway, so that they know we're actually home -- having no light is not a safety issue because there is a steel gate preventing lurkers, as my mother calls them, from sneaking around the front door. I took a tiny battery-operated LED light that I had lying around & put it up inside the doorframe:

That should illuminate the front door nicely.

Lastly, I moved some more things from the yard into the garage. Pile of crap, before:

From another angle:

After: crap now in the garage, leaving just the pile of ancient foundation stones and other assorted rocks that were dug up when the guys were digging the pit that is now the new room & foundation:

This pile of rocks will be turned into a big succulent planter -- where the stones get stacked in some sort of attractive way & succulents are planted in the gaps -- maybe ringing that bush on the far left. Maybe we'll do that next week. And maybe if we do it right, it won't also turn into mouse condominiums.

Next up: sanding and sealing the back door. Maybe also putting a backsplash on the end of the kitchen counter, if I get around to buying a jig saw this week. And maybe towards the end of the week, Mr. Bunkport will come to work a little magic.

Oh, lastly, we've heard some concerns from a few people that the blog will stop when the project stops. First, there appears to be no danger of the project ever stopping. Second, we keep this blog as a way to share what's happening around the house with far-flung family & friends -- given what a putterer I am, this place will always be a work in progress, so even though posts will become less frequent when the project ends, there's no chance they'll stop forever!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog post. You had nothing to fear! Nice threshold, too, beeteedubs.
