Monday, May 21, 2012

Green Acres

The big update this week is the appearance of the first pea pods on these seven foot tall plants:

Meanwhile, the collards are growing vigorously:

And the lettuce is lettucing:

In other news, we found out that this plant growing out of a stick in the ground is a hibiscus:

And the Monster Rose Bush is in bloom again:

Also, this Sunday there was an eclipse. Adrienne made a viewer:

There were neat shadows on the side of the house:

And we inch ever closer to the replacement of the broken fence:

Meanwhile, inside the house, Zoey figured out how to get into the compost bin & steal chicken bones when we're not looking. Clever dog! Oh, I mean, bad dog! Bad dog!

1 comment:

  1. Hibiscus! They are beautiful plants! And the pea plants are growing so tall! You all are farming the hell out of that yard. The vegetables of your labor.

    I wish you had a picture of Zoƫ taking the bones out of the compost. Bad...but adorable!!
