Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Adrienne vs Monster Dandelions

On Saturday morning, Adrienne got up early (8:30!) & set out for battle against The Monster Dandelions. After some rain last week, their stalks were about the diameter of a quarter & they had reached 5 feet in height -- which is taller than Adrienne, incidentally -- &, frankly, we were becoming that house on the block. So out she went with her cup of coffee & a paper leaf/garden bag.

Here she is, hard at work:

"You're next, hydrangeas!"

Notice how the fence hinges open. While Adrienne was waging her heroic campaign, the daughter of the elderly woman across the street happened by & mentioned that she had been the one to put those hinges on. Apparently Jackie, who must have been in her 60s or 70s at that point, was always climbing over the fence to do the gardening in the little yard patch. The daughter-from-across-the-street, was convinced Jackie would break a leg doing that, so she offered to put the hinges on.

Here is the little yard patch, in the aftermath of battle:

Interestingly, a lot of that green stuff left in there is actually cilantro. Adrienne has found other culinary herbs in the back yard, as well. Jackie's gardening wasn't just for show!

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